I have been flexing my intellect a bit on this blog lately, but today I have no more intelligence to give. Instead, I shall let my images speak for themselves and finish packing up my desk here at the Roundtable as I prepare for my new job next week.
Eric in a Word: umquhile
Book of the Day:Being and Time - Martin Heidegger
Song of the Day:Pali Gap- Jimi Hendrix
Sketch medium: top- graphite on paper (actual size 6"x3")/ bottom- office pen, green, yellow, & pink highlighter (actual size 1" x 0.6")
These sketches suck! That's not a real word! What's going on here!
(sorry, but you said you wanted me to insult you).
You sir must have left all your good material in last semester. If I were you I would have gone with "you no good hack. what did you draw these with a peg leg? I have eaten squids with more artistic talent than you."
Eric...you know I love you like a brother for all of the times you drove me and Kenny around while we were snot nosed punks...(ok sowe still are)....
But why the giant phallic symbol???
If i wanted to see crap on a stick, I would've found my way here earlier.
Now those, my friends are insults, although the midget needs to work on his a bit.
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